EXCELLENT Based on 116 reviews Jacub123452024-01-17Verified A knowledgeable and flexible company. Excellent tour organised by Lucy Ethiopia Tours. From the very beginning, when Kiros patiently answered all my questions to the very end when Dagi dropped me off at the airport, I had a blast with Lucy Ethiopia Tours. I really appreciate the flexibility of the company. I asked for several last minute change of plans and Kiros, Dagi, Ben and Joseph were always amenable. A big big thank you to Lucy Ethiopia Tours for guiding me around their beautiful country. Farshad M2024-01-11Verified Discover Ethiopia with Lucy tour If you want to discover Ethiopia, Lucy tour is the best. We had a great experience in Dallol and Danakil with its professional team. We saw the attractions of north with this team. Mr Kiros the owner of Lucy also helped us to visit the Lalibela church and Harar city. Bella Galante2024-01-09Verified Uma experiência que levaremos para a vida inteira Que difícil descrever o que foi essa viagem para Dalol. Claro que trata-se de uma experiência para os mais dispostos e aventureiros, já que inclui dormir a céu aberto, muitas horas de estrada, um ambiente hostil, andar sobre lava, entre outros "perrengues" e situações de risco. Mas a equipe atenciosa e de altíssimo padrão de qualidade, como o motorista Awet e o guia Anwar, trazem tranquilidade e tornam tudo ainda mais especial. Registraram todo o passeio com fotos e chegaram até a oferecer sapatos quando os nossos estavam se despedaçando ao entrar em contato com o ácido do deserto. A comida do cozinheiro que nos acompanhou foi um ponto de destaque, com tempero adaptado ao gosto ocidental, sem perder a essência local. Só tenho a agradecer ao Kiros e todos os colaboradores por proporcionarem momentos inesquecíveis e um suporte sem igual. Valeu cada centavo! Recomendo de olhos fechados a empresa. JIAN ZHONG H2023-08-10Verified Very bad experience 我不想指责这个公司,我只想说这个公司的某些人没有素质。我们俩人在网上联系了该公司的Kiros,订了8月6号的3天 Danakil Depession Tour(含来回机票Addis-Semera-Addis 200美元)全程1000美金。8月4日晚我们被告知去程的机票订不到了,8月5日有5辆吉普放空去Semera 我们可以搭顺风车过去,开始我们很犹豫,这是约600公里10个多小时的车程,很累。Kiros 说沿途可以看风景,于是我们就同意了。在Serema 给安排的酒店每晚20美金,没电没水,40多度的高温,彻夜无法入睡。我很生气,要求单程予以赔偿,因为单程我们支付了100美金的机票费,然而kiros 说我们的回程机票是公务舱,付了双倍的钱,Ok,我们同意了,多少有些安慰。然而我们8号回来时飞机根本就没有公务舱,是统一的经济舱。我打电话给kiros说这种情况航空公司会退款再次要求赔偿,他说航空公司不退款,我说我就是中国南方航空公司的,我知道会不会退款,他又说让我自己去找航空公司去申请。我说明天去公司和他面谈,他说他不在Addis。这就是我们的经历。为了金钱他可以不顾公司和个人的荣誉,百般推诿,毫无信义! Hawi A2023-06-15Verified WOW, amazing experience ever This trip was a WOW! All the places where i have been are so amazing. The Landscape, natural beauty and the people with warm Hearts make all my time perfect. The team is very well organized and very professional. I got explanations more than i expected and hospitality is what i noticed during all my Trip session. I feel like i met old Friends. Geralta is definitely my favorite hiking spot and i can't wait to hike there again. The active Volcano called Ertale is another mega natural phenomena . I highly recommend Lucy tour and travel . Romain R2023-06-12Verified VALLEE DE L'OMO Six jours hors du temps pour visiter la vallee de l'Omo Organisation parfaite Yoseph le guide est tres gentil et dit jamais non une tres bonne qualite pour un guide Awet le conducteur a une tres bonne maitrise des routes interminables ethiopiennes Deux tres belles personnes J'ai ete ravi de mon experience avec Lucy Ethipia Tours Voir c est tribues fut une tres belle experience Jan2023-05-27Verified Awesome Times in Ethiopia thanks Lucy Ethiopia Tours Ich hatte Dank Lucy Ethiopia Tours eine der abenteuerlichsten und entspanntesten Zeiten bei meiner Reise in Afrika Die Guides von Lucy Tours haben mich zu den atemberaubendsten und schönsten Orten in Äthiopien geführt Der Reiseleiter Salomon war super freundlich sehr hilfsbereit und konnte alle meiner vielen Fragen sehr detailliert und leidenschaftlich beantworten Ich habe mich sehr willkommen gefühlt und konnte mich einfach zurück lehnen und die unwirklichen Landschaften sowie die spannenden Kulturen genießen Die äthiopische Kultur ist mit der ägyptischen die wohl interessanteste in Afrika und die Landschaften sind so einmalig wie wunderschön. Ich kann diese Reise nur von ganzem Herzen empfehlen. Für mich sind die Erlebnisse fürs Leben und ich bin super glücklich die Reise mit Lucy EthiopiaTours gebucht zu haben Mir hat echt alles super gut gefallen aber mir ist besonders die reise ins Danakil, zur Felsenkirche Abune Yemanta und die Tribes im Süden in Erinnerung geblieben. Das waren echt unglaubliche Erfahrungen. Außerdem gab es in Tigray eine Community Projekt bei dem man auf den Dächern von Afrika in einer schönen Unterkunft schläft und eine 360 Grad Aussicht genießen kann und die Erlöse fließen fließen direkt in den Ort und kommen bei den Lokals an. Das war echt toll Vielen Dank für die unglaubliche Zeit ich komme gerne und bald zurück! I had one of the most adventurous and relaxing times during my trip in Africa thanks to Lucy Ethiopia Tours The guides from Lucy Tours took me to the most breathtaking and beautiful places in Ethiopia The tour guide Solomon was super friendly very helpful and was able to answer all my many questions in great detail and passionately I felt very welcome and could just sit back and enjoy the surreal landscapes as well as the exciting cultures Ethiopian culture is probably the most interesting in Africa with Egyptian and the landscapes are as unique as they are beautiful. I can only recommend this trip wholeheartedly. For me the experiences are for life and I am super happy to have booked the trip with Lucy EthiopiaTours. I really liked everything but I especially remember the trip to the Danakil, the rock church Abune Yemanta and the tribes in the south. Those were really incredible experiences. In addition, there was a community project in Tigray where the proceeds flow into the village and reach the locals. That was really great Thank you for the incredible time, I will be back soon! Paradise2816972023-04-24Verified Amazing 3 day 2 night trip to Danakil with Lucy Tours Just got back from an amazing tour to Danakil with Lucy Tours, can highly recommend the company to anyone planning a visit to this beautiful part of Ethiopia. Everything was well organised, and the team (guide, driver and chef) went the extra mile to ensure we had a trip of a lifetime. matej12023-04-24Verified Danakil: another planet! This trip has been amazing! Danakil is a place that you need to visit once in a life. The team is very well organized and all the members are very professional, reliable, helpful, friendly and flexible: super guide Solomon, best driver ever (Adwat, probably is not spelled correctly heheh) and super chef Santayo. I therefore highly recommend Lucy for a perfect 3 days Danakil tour. Simon S2023-02-15Verified Fantastic Lucy Ethiopian Tour From The moment i contacted kiros(CEO) of Lucy tour he is very ,welcomed ,friendley, easy-going and flexible person Our tour waz To Afar(Denakil) Omo valley And Lalibella For ten(10)days It waz very enjoyable and fantastic time the place is really help us to know something about ethiopian cultures and food we really like it!and The guide solomun waz very humble and fluent in english knowledgeable about history and local culture. The driver Awet is very active and always in time and chef cooked us some traditional food waz really yommy!and in this company they have very great chemistry and cared so much about their customers! Definitely recommend Lucy ethiopian tour Already talk about my second trib with my big family with Lucy ethiopian tour
- 3 Days
- Ground
- Engligh
- Trekking and Hiking
Day 1: Gondar -sankabar
After breakfast (8:30 am)drive from Gondar to Debark then drive to Sankaber, the first camp. Before reaching Sanksber, walk around the hills to see the big troops of the endemic Gelada Baboon feeding grass.
Camping at Sanksber (3250m)
Day 2: Sankaber – Chenek(5-6 hours)
After breakfast, walk away from Sankaber to reach the next camp Chenek. In this 5-6 hours trekking, you will ascend to the top of hills, descend to the bottom of valleys, and pass by the edge of vertical cliffs. You will also see a very large waterfall of the Jinbar River.
Camping at Chenek (3600m)
Day 3. Chenek- Gondar (4-5 hours)
After breakfast walk away from Chenek and drive back to Gondar if you guys are super lucky you will also visit Ethiopian Wolf and Waliya Ibex